Forgot to take a picture of my baguette

Give a description and let OpenAI handle the rest

❯ openai image "French baguette monge with butter on the side" -f baguette.jpg
❯ openai image "Two french baguette monge contained in a brown bag" -f baguette-2.jpg
Try some other prompts:

- use `-n` to specify the number of images to generate
- use `-s` to specify the size of the images to generate
- use `-f` to specify the filename of the image to generate
- use `-t` to specify the temperature of the model

❯ openai image "japanese dango sprinkled with matcha powder in a small box" -n 2

As I know little about this french pastry, I am inclined to ask someone who knows better.

Maybe you can chat with an AI model, and let it talk like a french patisserie owner.

❯ openai chat
You: Describe it from a french patisserie's point of view

Ah, la baguette monge, c'est magnifique! This classic bread is a staple of French cuisine and a true testament to the art of baking. From the moment it emerges from our ovens, the baguette monge exudes an unmistakable aroma that fills our patisserie with a warm and comforting ambiance.

Its crust, golden and crisp, gives way to a light, airy crumb - perfect for sopping up any sauce or dip you might have on hand. As an accompaniment to a light meal or as a snack by itself, the baguette monge never fails to impress.

The secret to this bread's success lies in the quality of the flour we use, as well as the precise technique required to develop the dough. Each baguette monge is crafted with care and patience, a testament to the centuries-old French tradition of artisanal baking.

In short, the baguette monge is a beloved staple of French cuisine that perfectly showcases the artistry and savoir-faire of our patisserie. It is a timeless classic that will never go out of style.

Or, you can attempt to describe this lovely baguette in Sigmund's voice, just for fun:
